Dragi japanski prijatelji,
veoma mi je žao što je Japan pogodila ovako velika katastrofa i nesreća. U trenutcima opšteg slavlja povodom Nove Godine, japanski narod se bori za živote i svoje najmilije. Osećam veliku bol, saosećam sa građanima Japana i molim se Bogu da se sav ovaj haos sto pre zaustavi i da se Japan izdigne i oporavi kao ptica feniks. Da se narod zaleči i što pre vrati normalnom životu.
Svi članovi karate kluba Nippon i udruženja Kizuna su uz vas u srcima i mislima.
Tanja Petrović
Dear Japanese friends,
I am very sorry that Japan has been hit by such a great disaster and accident. In the moments of general celebration on the occasion of the New Year, the Japanese people are fighting for their lives and their loved ones. I feel great pain and compassion with the citizens of Japan and I pray to God that all this chaos will stop as soon as possible and that Japan will rise and recover like a phoenix bird. Let the people heal and return to normal life as soon as possible.
All the members of the Nippon Karate Club and the Kizuna Association are with you in their hearts and minds.
Tanja Petrovic